Thursday, September 15, 2011

Unit Three -- Slave Narratives and The Puritans

I think that this lesson will consist of slaves telling stories and the puritans and why they moved.

Evaluate what you have read. Do you think the fact that these writings are biased in nature take away from their historical importance, or do you feel that the historical importance outweighs the way they were written?

I feel that the historical importance outweighs the way they were written. The reason i feel like this is because who cares if they are strectching the truth a little?,the only thang that really matters is that history was bein told.its better to know part of the truth then not know at all.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Journal of the First Voyage to America"

"I saw a snake,which we killed, and I have kept the skin for highnesses; upon being discovered he took to the water, whiter we followed him, as it was not deep, and dispatched him with our lances; he was seven spans in length;  I think there are many more such bout here."
One quotation where you feel he is stretching the truth?... The melody of the birds was so exquisite that one was never willing to part from the spot, and the flocks of parrots obscured the heavens

"The General Historie of Virginia

"From May to September,those that escaped lived upon sturgeon and sea crabs. Fifty in this time we buried; the rest seeing the President's project to escape these miseries in our pinnace by flight so moved our dead spirits as we deposed him and established ratcliffe in his place."     Personally I didn't feel like the truth was being streched. I feel that if he wrote about the situations that were occuring at the time then they must be accurate because the narrator has no reason to lie.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

1.Briefly summarize the myth you read and identify the culture from which it came?-the myth i read was about the beginnings of a tribe called the Chippewa - Ojibwa.  
2.what was important to the culture who created the tale you chose? their origins were important to them. evidence to support...;Nine months later the woman birthed a child. He was the first Chippewa male and through him came the Chippewa peoples.  Do you see any similarities between the myths you have read in this unit? yes because they all contain how something in this world started and came to be.Are there any similarities to our culture? yes the first book of the bible witch is genesis tells about how the earth came to be and all the different types of animals and the creation and downfall of men and women.

Monday, September 12, 2011

i thank that this lesson will consists of early Americans coming to the new lands meeting the native Americans.and how they didn't get along with each other.

the earth on turtle's back

Can you tell what was important to the Onondaga people? saving the chief's can u tell?She is not like us," said one of the animals. "She doesn't have webbed feet. I don't think she can live in the water.